Evan’s Escapades

January 3, 2011

Today marked the 24 hour time mark for the GFCFSF diet.  Evan seems to like most of the food, except the rice milk.  I am thinking of taking the unopened cartons back to the store and purchasing some Coconut and Hemp milk.  There are some good recommendations for those in the GFCF Kids yahoo group.  This morning I noted increased eye contact and jargon.  He also had more purposeful play.  For instance, he strung three trains together and moved them along the rails.  He seemed to be really enjoying himself!  Then, when the occupational therapist arrived, he didn’t cry and seemed ‘ready’ for therapy.  Usually, there is a large transition between play and therapy  that consists of crying and hugging until Evan is soothed.  It has been very rocky!  This is, word-for-word, how the therapist described today’s session:

“Evan did not cry today!  Was able to begin therapy session without tears.  Seen in family living area.  Evan appropriately answered ‘no’ to therapists questions 2 times.  He said ‘yes’ to rolling on ball, being ‘squished’ by ball 2x near end of session.  He gave eye contact more frequently on lap/near therapist…”

I hope this was not some fluke and the GFCFSF diet is clearing the fog around Evan so he can enjoy life!